Through the powerful blend of mentoring and coaching I help Coaches and workshop Facilitators to grow GREAT Small Businesses that give them the lifestyle and freedom they want.

When I started coaching in 2012, for the first two years I had almost NO CLIENTS. I felt frustrated and so many times I was close to giving up! Since 2014, when I “got serious” about growing my coaching business, I have supported over three thousand business leaders and owners from almost thirty countries – as a coach, mentor, and workshop facilitator. Now I share what I have learned with other Coaches and workshop Facilitators who want to turn their passion for helping people into a profitable business. You will:

  • Become clear what you want out of your business (and your life!)

  • Know what to do to grow your business – without overthinking it

  • Start doing things that take your business to another level and save time and energy

  • Fine – tune your strategy until you get the results you want

  • Become the go-to expert for your clients

  • Attract as many clients as you need

  • Deliver massive value to your clients

  • Start generating the income you deserve

  • Identify further sources of revenue as a coach


Decide why you’re
absolutely committed
to growing a GREAT
Coaching Business.


Get in the driving seat!
Take a full responsibility
and raise the scope
of your impact.


Do the RIGHT things!
Take massive action,
grow your business fast,
and without overcomplicating it.


Design and Live the Life
you have always wanted!
Achieve your goals,
and enjoy your progress.

Are we a good fit?

  • Do you want to turn coaching into your main source of income and are you serious about making it happen?
  • Are you frustrated with what your life looks like right now, and you know you deserve much more, but that is not happening?
  • Have you had it and are ready to move on?
  • Are you ready to learn and be challenged?

My Clients choose me for:

  • The no-nonsense approach
  • My experience and track record
  • Focus on results

I’m very straightforward and direct and I understand you’ve turned to me for a very clear reason: You want to take your coaching business to another level.

Before we decide that we are a good fit, book your complimentary first session here: